Friday, March 07, 2008

One month

It's now a month since surgery and I'm doing much better.

I was just posting the catch up stuff and older messages from the website and it seems so long ago I was counting my recovery by the day. Now it's by the week. Gotta love time.

I'm feeling SOOOO much better than before I had the hyst. I can't believe those damn things were sucking the life out of me like they were. It's amazing what your body can do when it's got oxygen! I still have twinges and some achiness, but my energy level, even post op, is twice what it was before surgery.

As well as recovery is going, however, it feels slow for me and I'm not good at doing bored. There's only so much online/reading/TV one can deal with before cabin fever sets in. I've been out and about for the past couple of days, extending the time as much as possible, but I'm still bored silly. I need mental and social stimulation, dammit!!!

I haven't spoken to/seen a Deaf person since the night of surgery and I feel like I'm gonna be rusty when I get back to work on the 21st. With the short term disability legalities, I'm not allowed to even set foot on FSW property so I can't go schmooze with the Deaf seniors on Fridays or visit the office/my co-workers.

That said...hmmm...thinking getting a couple of folks together for lunch off property might be possible. I'd have to do it quietly, but it might be possible...the gears are turning...

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