Saturday, January 28, 2006

Stupid cat

It's official, we have a stupid cat. It hasn't yet been determined by a vet or other professional, but trust me, she's stupid.

We have a thing in the sun room that we found at a craft fair many years ago. It's a hanging piece, made of woven vine with dried flowers and a fake nest with an equally fake bird in it. Nothing too fancy or wonderful, but cute enough to hang in the sun room.

Now for the stupid part...for the almost 4 years of this cat's life here, she's perched herself on the sun room table, stalking the fake bird. This thing obviously doesn't move and I'm sure there's no alluring scent, so why the cat feels the need to stalk and hunt this plastic thing is beyond me. I mean shit, if she wanted to stalk a bird, we have 3 in cages in another room and they move and smell like birds. Don't get me wrong, she does go into their room, but after perching herself near the window, occasionally looking at our captive birds but mostly at the wild ones, she goes and curls up on a pillow in the same room and naps.

This cat also prefers dry dog food to her own food. I know, stolen food always tastes better.
This is also the same cat who caught and played with a mouse, only to let it go when she got bored.
The cat is not normal.

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