Sunday, January 22, 2006

La de da

Boredom sucks.

I've got nothing in particular to rant about, blog or bitch about, so why not tell the world, or the 2 people who read this, what I made for dinner tonight.

It really wasn't very exciting, not one of my big experiments in the kitchen, but it's ok. I marinated a steak in whiskey and some tamarind plum sauce that Debbie found a couple of weeks ago. It's pretty good as it is, a bit of a bite to it, but nothing majorly ooh ah. Anyway, I marinated the steak in this mixture for about an hour, maybe two. Re-hydrated some shiitake mushrooms and mixed those with regular white shrooms, onions and chopped garlic and sauteed them, adding some cheap blush wine and "Montreal steak seasoning". I made a gravy from the marinade, cooking it down and adding some of the water I used to re-hydrate the shiitake mushrooms.

All in all, not bad. Nothing too fancy and certainly not restaurant quality, but definitely more than edible.

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