Monday, January 23, 2006

Store security geeks suck

People can be so fucking stupid. I go to our local Home Depot pretty regularly, at least 3 or 4 times a month, and when I'm picking up little things, I generally don't use a hand basket because, well, they're difficult for me with my crutches and simply a pain in the ass. I don't see the need to push around a big cart when I'm just picking up a few little items, either. Seems too much like overkill.

So here I am, walking through Home Depot and picking up a few things along the way, putting them into my jacket pockets and a bag I have on my crutch, and lo and behold, a store undercover security geek is following me around. He spent 20 minutes watching me, trying to be coy and pretend not to follow, but after I picked up my last item, I made eye contact, and called him an asshole. I checked out and went directly over to customer service where I placed a complaint with a manager and promptly got an appology. I also told him the jerk needs better training because he was easy to figure out.

I mean really, I know I'm putting things in my pocket, but do the fucking math....I'm on crutches and can't carry things like everyone else. It pissed me off but was also quite demeaning and frankly, not very disability positive. I'm going to write a formal letter to Home Depot corporate and tell them to do some training regarding disability and plain logic.


Estelle said...

That sucks. I've put things in my pocket before too with way less of a reason that you had. I've also walked back IN to target before because I forgot something on the bottom rack of my cart and didn't discover it until everything was unloaded. Actually I did it a few times, before someone actually accused me of trying to STEAL the laundry detergent that i had just walked back into the store to PAY for. Idiots.
So now, I've forgotten things a couple of times... and if I am in a hurry or don't wanna make the damn walk back inside, I just load up my car and go home. I am so bad.

Roberta said...

I know they're just doing their job, but they are assholes.