Thursday, January 19, 2006

Life in Oregon or California might be an option

I hate worker's comp. I've been dealing with their frustrating bullshit for nearly 18 years, fighting for every crumb they so graciously toss my way. The latest round is even more annoying than the past.

Several months ago, I was ordered to yet again go to an IME, independent medical examiner. I use the term "independent" very lightly. Worker's comp has done this many times over the years, ordering me to go to an IME, each time having to prove I'm actually disabled. It's very demeaning, dehumanizing and degrading. Not to mention, a fucking pain in the ass. The last time, as with most others in the past, I admitted that I use, let's just say, alternative herbal medicine for pain management. I've been on nearly every narcotic or pain medicine that can be prescribed and they don't do squat. I'd much rather use my medicine of choice, one that doesn't rot my kidneys or liver, and that actually does the job. Living with neurological pain 24/7 does not make me happy. Anyway, this asshole for a doctor was the first to actually put into his report that I use this medicine, and now Worker's Comp is threatening to withdraw a settlement offer unless I testify before the Worker's Comp Board. The problem with testifying is that if I deny my statement, I lose all credibility and possibly the entire case for the past 18 years. If I don't deny it and admit to using it, I risk a criminal investigation.

The WC case is in NY state, which has decriminalized marijuana. It's still illegal, but the punishments are minimal, especially when the amount in possession is small. Connecticut, on the other hand, where I live, will still fine you $1,000 and put you in jail for one joint. Now the fact that it goes across state lines, I think, might mean it then becomes a federal case. Fucking beautiful. If I say or do nothing, I get exactly ZERO for a settlement and I cannot make any more claims for equipment, medical attention or anything under this claim. It will be closed. If I testify, I would probably get the settlement but then run the risk of having to use it for bail and legal fees.

I'm researching my options and talking to lawyers in both states. I hope to have some kind of a reasonable answer in the next few weeks. It would be so nice to live in a state that recognizes some people need medicines that aren't part of the allopathic pharmaceutical world.

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