Sunday, February 25, 2007


Well we have a reprieve. The closing has been pushed off to March 5th or so, not next week. Good thing since we didn't do much at all today.

Who am I kidding, we? It was myself and one woman we hired to sell stuff on eBay. Deb works every Sunday, so she can never help, and all my/our friends who have been helping are either burnt out or going on with their lives. It's our problem, not theirs, and I can't blame them for running far and fast. Hell, if I wasn't in the middle of it, I'd run too.

So today our new eBay friend filled her SUV yet again with stuff to sell and I took only a box or two home. After walking up and back down the steps twice, my legs were jello. I had nothing left. I suppose if I really pushed myself I could have done a storage run, but I would have paid for it all next week. Not worth it.

I'm not used to this taking care of myself thing. So torn between being proud of myself and feeling guilty and lazy. I'll work on that.

So we have another week and weekend of work ahead of us. I just hope we have the guys we hired working during the week. That's the ONLY way we'll have any chance of being close to done.

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