Sunday, December 03, 2006


I hate Christmas music. I admit it. Hell, I announce it.

Growing up as a Jew, I was force-fed Christmas music from Thanksgiving until New Years in school, in stores, on radio and TV and by my christian grandmother. In school we had the "Holiday/Winter" concert every year, mostly consisting of butchered pop tunes and Christmas songs. The 1 or 2 Hannukah songs thrown in to appease us were no consolation. They also sucked. I have a long standing history of hating the annual onslaught of music.

It should come as no surprise then, that I am even more nauseated by the inescapable music that's been permeating the airwaves and eardrums since Halloween. I totally understand having the music playing in malls, retail stores and places where you'd expect to be bombarded by commercialism and the need/urge to buy things. That's how the stores earn their money and they SHOULD be hitting you over the head with it.

I do NOT, however, expect to be bombarded with it at the gas station, in restaurants, bars, doctor's offices or in the FUCKING BATHROOM! I can't even take a shit in peace! These places have NOTHING I care about buying for my friends. Maybe a gift certificate, fine, but playing christmas music isn't going to encourage me to buy one - good food and ambiance will.

Please, people, stop the onslaught. We all know it has abolutely nothing to do with religion or spirituality. It's 100% about commercialism, making the sale, getting into the black. We don't all get around the piano in the living room and have happy family memories signing christmas carols anymore. Those times are long gone. The majority of kids don't give a shit about christmas if they don't get the things they want. Oh, and then there's the week off from school, that's a bonus. The families and kids that DO care about the religion and spirituality DON'T care about the commercialism and therefore won't be as swayed by your incessant playing of carols.

We Jews and others who hate the commericalism will appreciate the effort. Thank you


Estelle said...

I hate the commercial aspect of Christmas as well. In fact, I fucking hate Christmas and wouldn't even celebrate if AJ didn't make me (but I absolutely draw the line at the tree, and I don't give a shit if people think I am depriving my child. No tree).
But I like Christmas music. A lot. In fact, I listen to it all year round. But it never makes me feel like buying anything.

art-sweet said...


Thank you, for venting my spleen!