Monday, August 21, 2006

Canine gastronomic oddities

Ok, so I know our dogs are weird. They eat weird shit, meaning pretty much anything that either falls on the floor or is given to them. Any and all vegetables are fair game...fresh garlic is one of their favorites. That's not too terribly unusual, but they reached a new level of odd tonight.

I had sushi for dinner, ok, store bought but very fresh and good.

Just for the hell of it, ok I admit, for my amusement, I gave Jack a small piece of the pickled ginger. He made a yucky face but Pepe came running over and quickly snarfed it up. Maggie was about 2 seconds behind and she snarfed a larger piece. Jack was now interested. He was still making a face and his nose got all crinkly, but hell, if they're eating it, he was not about to be left out. All 3 of them ate about 4 pieces of the stuff and wanted more. Jack was just in it for the ride, his nose crinkling every time, but they definitely all wanted more.

I have fucking weird dogs.

1 comment:

Estelle said...

Ick. Your dogs are stupid. :)