Sunday, February 12, 2006

The great blizzard of '06

One word...snow. Over 2.5 feet of the white fluffy stuff, not counting the drifts. It's well past my knees. Ok, I'm short, but it's still deep. Debbie woke up wanting to watch the news and check the weather. Basically, every channel has 2, 3 or more reporters at various locations around the region all saying the same thing - it's snowing, don't drive if you don't have to, and shoveling sucks. Doesn't take a genius to figure that out, but, Debbie insisted on watching the news for the information. She wanted to know how much to expect. I made breakfast and we basically hung out all day. A little puttering here, a little munching there. Oh, and fulfilling our only purpose in life - to feed and let the dogs out (and in).

There's one channel in CT, Channel 3, that always has to name every storm that's more than flurries. This one is Carson. I don't know why they do it, maybe it carries a more dire message than the word blizzard. I don't know, but trudging through two feet of snow and falling on my ass does it for me. The big dogs, Maggie and Jack, had fun anyway, but neither would venture out into uncharted territory, not even for a prized game of fetch. The little poodle mix, Pepe, it was a struggle just to get him outside and farther than the deck to lift his leg. He went out (how dare we), peed, and beelined for the door. No pictures of him, but I have a couple of Maggie and Jack.

Maggie running back after realizing she's in too deep

Jack, also in too deep


Estelle said...

I miss snow. Oh how I miss it.

Estelle said...

I miss snow. Oh how I miss it.