Saturday, February 18, 2006


Ok, so what the fuck has happened to my blog? It seems as though it's been taken over and redesigned, placing the left column, that is, my profile, all the links, all the fun stuff, all the way at the bottom of the page. Methinks it's got something to do with the last post, that it somehow reformatted the page. Perhaps if I just keep posting more, regardless of how silly it might be, it will resolve itself. If not, then I'll just have to ask Estelle how the hell to change it back.

Speaking of Estelle...I'm thrilled that Charlie is healing and appears to be a normal, healthy, happy baby boy. He's always been happy, well, for the most part, but now it really shows. Way to go Charlie!!! Oh, and thanks to the docs who finally figured it out.

Estelle and Jean are really struggling with the bills. Charlie's medical expenses are astronomical and in the meantime, Charlie is growing and needing new diapers and whatnot, not to mention they have the regular household bills. It's definitely not easy, but I'm so glad so many people have stepped forward and offered assistance. I feel guilty as shit that I've done basically nothing for them so far. I have to call and see what else is needed. Maybe a Target gift certificate, I don't know. I have to do something. I've been a lousy friend. I hope Estelle can forgive me.

1 comment:

Estelle said...

Um? Excuse me? Lousy friend? I think not? Would you have answered the phone at 3 am? Would you have let me bawl for an hour while you nodded and tried to stay awake? Would you have let us stay with you if we were going to come CT hospital? Of course you would. So... where is the bad friend aspect? Rubbish. I do not have friends so they can bail me out. I have friends because I like them.
And yes, it's because of the last post. It's too wide. You can edit it and change the width of it and that'll do it. Or you can wait until it drops off the page. And it you make a list of things you want in your sidebar and how you want your blog to look, I'll format it for you.